Friday, January 7, 2011

So What's All This, Then?

This blog is the result of an idea.  One I'd like to think is a good idea, if for no other reason than it is mine.

See, a lot of people like to ask for advice, but then they don't take it, no matter how reasonable it is.  For example, a friend was moving along with her housemates, but had to wait for something in the mail.  I suggested they go ahead without her, she wait behind the week or so it took for the item to arrive, and then she follows them, which has the added bonus of her not having to unpack most of their shit.  "No, I don't want to drive alone."  Okay, how about just waiting for the postal service to forward it to you?  "No, I need it right away."  Okay, how about you have a friend or neighbor check the mail and overnight it to you? Ad infinitem.  It didn't matter how many suggestions I gave her.  She didn't really want a solution.  She wanted a pity party.

This is a blog about those people.  The stupid situations people find themselves in, and the things you wish you were blunt enough to say in real life.  The things you COULD say, if you didn't particularly care to keep your friends.

If anybody ends up reading this, feel free to offer up examples of your own friends, or ask me for advice on your own situation.  But caveat emptor (does that still apply if this is free?) - this is no Dear Abby.  This is Advice Bitch.  If you need a harsh truth, I will give it to you.  Because you have enough real life friends to coddle you.  Me, I don't particularly care if you like me, which allows me the freedom to be honest.

And harsh honesty?  I'd be lying if I said I didn't like doling it out.  It's pretty cathartic.  So bring on the questions, and get ready to regret asking them!

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